Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Teabagger Chris Krok Helps Define Hypocrisy

cross-posted at DailyKos

This, is a direct quote from Chris Krok, admitted teabagger, while on Luo Dobbs Tonight, aired March 24th.
Fix this country, not run it into the ground and stop worrying about basketball.
This, is obviously directed at President Obama. Of course, Krok is furious that an elected official would dare take a few minutes to connect with average voters by describing his march madness bracket. I guess he did not notice this on the home page at
RNC March Madness Bracket

So, our President, who has undeniably been more engaged, proposed bigger plans, and achieved more than almost any President in such a short time, needs to focus on the economy more and on basketball less. However, the GOP, whose website does not present a single budget proposal, has plenty of time to worry about basketball.

I cannot wait to hear his next show, when he lambastes the RNC for spending time on such trivial subject matter! (snark)


  1. Krok is an offensive hate-mongering racist who needs to lose his FCC license. He just started here in Dallas on AM talk radio and a campaign has already started to get him fired. Advertisers on his station need to get ready for a boycott and lots of bad press.

    1. What happened to that boycott and getting him fired? Losers
