I need to take a quick minute to share with you, a bit of hilarity from the folks over at redstate. An article they have up about
the Gov of the country of Texas.
First things first, a series of questions from sir asshat:
Can anyone tell me that Medicare and Social Security are not each about to hit a wall VERY hard, and leave millions of Americans wondering what in the hell happened to their retirement and health care? Can anyone tell me that the massive amounts of spending being spent will not lead to significant inflation in the coming years? Can anyone tell me that the United States government will enforce its borders? Can anyone tell me that the United States government will take the necessary steps to get adequate fossil fuels, or build nuclear power to maximize liberty and lower energy costs? Can anyone tell me that we will be able to celebrate Christmas in schools or graduate students equipped for the world if we follow the ways of Washington? Can anyone tell me our healthcare system will be better off with greater Washington involvement?
Question 1: Yes. In fact, the Social Security bankruptcy is an unsubstantiated myth. When our government evaluates Social Security, they put together three separate forecasts. An optimistic one, a pessimistic one, and one somewhere in the middle. The one saying it will be bankrupt is the middle one. At first glance, that sounds reasonable. However, historical evidence shows us that every time, the optimistic forecast has been the most accurate. Our optimistic forecast (put out by President Bush's administration, mind you) says that, not only, will we not be bankrupt, we will have more money for it than we do now. Secondly, when it comes to Medicare, please show me one mainstream Republican that is in favor of cutting Medicare, or cutting up their own Medicare card. Otherwise, shut the fuck up about it.
Question 2: First off, "spending being spent" is not exactly proper English. As you like to say to the non-whites, you're in America, learn English. And no, I cannot tell you it will not lead to inflation. What I can tell you, is that doing nothing (or in Republican, cutting taxes and reducing regulations) would have a far worse impact on our economy after the devastation of your king, err, President Bush.
Question 3: Yes. In fact, liberals support enforcing the border (especially pro labor liberals). And, I think, our support for it will increase tenfold if Texas secedes. Secondly, I ask conservatives to name one democrat since Reagan's amnesty drive that has reduced the number of boarder patrol guards. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Question 4: Yes. You know what else they'll do in the process, invest in new, cheap, cleaner, more efficient forms of energy to make us "energy independent" so we don't have to give so much money to the conservatives most hated people, Muslims (see "terrorist" in the GOP dictionary).
Question 5: That's not a real question, right? Name one, one single move that President Obama has taken to outlaw celebrating Christmas in schools? This reminds me of when
I got in a fight with a McCain staffer because one of their guest speakers accused President Obama (then Senator) of wanting to outlaw the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. Seriously, you whacko, fuckhead, see a therapist.
Question 6: Yes. In fact, the best health care systems are Medicare and the Veterans Health Administration. I dare you too find anyone clamoring to get off Medicare. In fact, when ever people do switch from Medicare to a private option, they later complain about being lied to, manipulated, scammed. So yes, almost anything would be better than an industry which makes its money off denying coverage to the ill (or the people that need health care, as I like to call them).
So, in conclusion, shut up.
And about that crazy, asshat of a Governor, the federal government has the right to attach strings to funds (which is why I agreed with the feds that schools who refuse military recruiters can lose federal funding, I would be the first one to set up a table next to them telling people not to enlist while we have an immoral war going on in Iraq, but I agreed with the feds). Where was this outrage while President Bush tied our economy up and put out lit cigars on it? Where was this outrage when we found out that President Cheney, err,
Bush was spying on Grannies for peace?
Where was the outrage when our legislators passed the Patriot Act, the single largest dump ever taken on the Constitution?
Republican's are not conservative. They are anti Democrat. In other words, they support everything the Republican's do, so long as it is not in line with anything the Democrats do, and if it is, they better have done it first.
I call your bluff Governor Perry. Our opinion on the subject has not changed. So, either secede and cut off all ties to this oppressive dictatorship, or shut up with the grandstanding.