Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Redstate.com Proves Their War on Terror is Racist

Redstate.com has, on its front page, an article titled; Obama Silent on First Terror Attack Since 9/11. If you are like me, you thought, wait, how did I miss this? Rather than provide a link to their site, here's a picture of the post:
Picture 9
So, Mark Impomeni, openly admits that when it comes to fighting the war on terror, he is completely okay with being racist. White man guns someone down for the purposes of installing fear in his political and religious opponents, crime. Non-white man guns someone down for the purposes of installing fear in his political and religious opponents, terror. If they wonder why there is a perception that the far right in this country is blatantly racist, look no farther.

The assassination of Dr. George Tiller absolutely was terrorism. It is ignorant and racist to claim that it doesn't count because the suspect "is not a terrorist of the kind that the United States has been fighting since the September 11th attacks." Although he is right about one thing. We haven't been fighting this kind of terrorist since September 11th, they've been around for a lot longer.

Just disgusting.

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