Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Abstinence Works 100% of the Time... Almost

100% of the time. That's the claim made by one of those beloved freepers, and backed up by several posters. And they are right, abstinence works 100% of the time, if you do not count all those that were taught abstinence only and ignored it. I should cough here, and under my breath mutter, "Bristol Palin."

This poster goes on to quote the World Health Organization (I should note that he/she failed to provide a link to the source so readers can see for themselves). The WHO says that, with perfect use of a condom, the pregnancy rate is "is 3 percent at 12 months." The WHO does not clarify, but my interpretation of that statistic is that after 12 months of sexual activity (which is not defined) there is a 3% chance that your condom has failed. The poster left out the 12 months part. Mostly because he/she was trying to say that every 30 times you have sex, based on that 3%, your condom has failed once. If fact, this poster went even further:
That means by the 30th time, the couple that uses condoms “perfectly” have already conceived or will do so very soon!
That is false. In fact, it is a complete and utter lie. Not only does it completely ignore the 12 months phrasing, but a condom failing does not mean you have conceived. Ask any couple having trouble conceiving.

However, we can leave that alone. We progressives never, ever, ever, ever, ever claimed condoms to be 100% effective. And we have never argued that abstinence is not the most effective step you can take to ensure you will not get, or get someone else, pregnant, or transmit an STD. Nor have we ever argued that abstinence should not be a part of any sexual education plan. What we progressives really want is a comprehensive sexual education plan that states abstinence as the most effective method of preventing pregnancy and STD's, but informs our youths of the steps one can take to minimize the risk if partaking in sexual activity. Notice my specific phrasing, "minimize the risk." We are not anti-abstinence, we are just not stupid enough to believe abstinence only is enough.

Rather, it is the conservatives, really just the neoconservatives and the religious right, that want factual and relevant information denied to our young.

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